2025-2026 tuition is $38,800 per K-6th grade students.*
2025-2026 tuition is $31,996 per TK students.*
CCS has a vigorous Financial Aid program based on need. Nevertheless, funds are limited. All families seeking financial aid must complete a financial aid application which is available upon request. CCS does not discriminate based upon race, color, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. For more information on financial aid, please see Financial Aid.
Grades TK-6th have an Annual Facilities Fee of $650
This fee is dedicated to the maintenance and improvement of our physical plant.
The New Student Fee is a one-time registration fee of $1,750. This fee covers the administrative costs of enrolling a new student at CCS.
The Annual Trip and Activities Fee is $650 per K-6th students. This fee covers site entrance/permit fees, bus and other transportation costs, and other miscellaneous costs associated with off campus trips and activities. (Overnight trips taken by upper grades are not covered by this fee.) The fee is an estimated average of such costs across the 7 years most CCS students attend CCS and actual costs in any given year may be more or less than this fee.
Optional Programs
After School Care (3:00 to 5:45 pm) is available to all families as long as there is a demand for this service by a minimum number of participants. The occasional use rate is $17 per hour (billed monthly). There is a flat rate for regular participants (unlimited usage) for $450 per month. Monthly fees are prepaid by the 10th of each month.
Before School Care begins one hour before the start of school (at 7:30 am) for the occasional use rate of $17 per hour. Children are welcome to arrive 15 minutes before the start of school (at 8:15 am) at no cost.
Non-School Day Care is available for all non-student days at a rate of $17 per hour.
Because tuition alone does not cover the full cost of a CCS education, CCS sponsors several Fundraising activities throughout the year which generate additional income to provide the “extras” that make our school so special. A few of these activities are our Annual Evening Gala (Spring), Pan Derby (Spring), and our Annual Giving Campaign (Fall). CCS is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and all gifts to CCS are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. All families at CCS are encouraged to volunteer, attend, and financially support these endeavors to benefit our entire community.