Children’s Community School prepares children to be active citizens in a democracy. At every step, we relate study to life. We believe education ought to prepare each and every student to take part in shaping their own future—and the future of society. 


Our curriculum is designed to help your child reach their academic potential. We address the varying learning styles of all our students to create an environment that challenges each of them. A CCS education produces self-motivated students who develop a lifelong desire to learn and question, an appreciation for the value of friendship, a strong personal relationship with the school, and a commitment to be of service to others.

At CCS, we cultivate leaders who meet the complexities of a changing world with confidence, competence, and good character.


We’re proud to be manifesting John Dewey’s vision, and we’re dedicated to keeping progressive education alive and relevant.

Quick Facts: John Dewey

John Dewey was a philosopher at the turn of the 20th century. During the first industrial revolution, Dewey considered how it would affect democracy as practiced in America. With large numbers of people being trained to work at rote tasks in factories, Dewey began to think about how everyone could participate in our democracy—how would they know what questions to ask of our leaders and how would they know to question them at all?

This led Dewey to think about American education. He believed, as we do, that schools have an integral role to play in a democratic society. Schools shouldn’t just be a training ground for jobs, but they should be a place where children learn how to be a part of a community, find out answers to questions they have, and that school should be preparation for life.


Interested in learning more about the history and benefits of progressive education? Below are links to a few books which showcase the joy in learning and depth of knowledge that result from this time-honored pedagogy:

“This {is} an important and even a necessary book for educators, policy makers, and parents alike.” -Michael Chabon

“A lucid presentation of what progressive education can accomplish.”—The New York Times

“I want to hand this book to every parent in America and say, 'Before you send your child to school tomorrow, you must read this!’”-- Deborah Meier


Find out how education is the foundation of democracy.